At last we have had a day with sunshine....I was beginning to think that we would not have a summer.
I haven't had time to paint today but have been sorting out all my paints....I have boxes of acrylics and boxes of watercolours and paper and card......I am afraid to confess how
Thank you to the lady who left me a comment on my least I know that someone is out there and it is much appreciated.
I have over 40 paintings still waiting to be listed....some of my paintings are on etsy..
others are on Folksy
and others listed daily on ebay...... you can find my link to ebay by going to my website. this website is static and the pics on there are old ones . Unfortunately I don't know how to use it but you CAN click the link on the left hand side to go to my ebay listings.
Here is a painting that I listed on Folksy yesterday