Saturday 3 September 2011


Today I managed to get another aceo waterfall painting finished. They seem to be very popular and are selling well on ebay.
As I am typing this, one of the quirrels in the garden is looking at me through the patio doors....he won't go away until he has TWO peanuts in shells in his mouth. He is very clever and turns them around so that he can carry two at once. If we only give him ONE, he just sits there looking at us.
It is pouring with rain and the poor squirrel looks like a drained rat !!.................................
OK...he is fed now and happily running down the garden fence with his stash.
We were going to go to the Range today but have deferred it until tomorrow because of the rain. We are going to get a sack of MORE peanuts....that is my excuse ....because I shall be looking around the art section....such a lot of temptation......
Here is today's waterfall painting

and here is the 5x7 acrylic one that I did yesterday...


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