went to town today and decided to buy a shopping I really look like a little old I am fed up with carting heavy shopping around with me....even my handbag feels like a suitcase...I always end up struggling back to the car.....NO MORE.....It was great to go into Tesco and just pull my trolley along. I never park in Tesco's car is always difficult to find a space and there are far too many accidents. Anyway, I have a free parking space outside the Age Concern day centre but taking the Tesco trolley there is difficult as you have to cross two busy roads....much easier with my new trolley....
I managed to almost finish two larger abstract/fantasy acrylic paintings today. I still need to take photos of them but hope to list them next week.
Here is another of my paintings..
haha don't worry, I went around tesco with a shopping trolley!! Felt a bit awkward at first, but they really do come in handy! Even for transporting art and craft materials =] You can get some pretty cool ones too.
Take a look at these:
Love your painting by the way. Looks amazing!
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